Лучшие Руководящие принципы CARELESS WHISPER ACAPELLA

Лучшие Руководящие принципы careless whisper acapella

Лучшие Руководящие принципы careless whisper acapella

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"Careless Whisper" received mainly positive reception upon its release. Music critic Alexis Petridis of The Guardian ranked the song number five of George Michael's 30 greatest songs, stating, "it’s a brilliant pop song regardless, and, in 'guilty feet have got no rhythm', it boasts one of the great once-heard-never-forgotten lyrics".

So I went out with her for a couple of months but I didn't stop seeing Helen. I thought I was being smart – I had gone from being a total loser to being a two-timer.

As the band felt they had "screwed up" the video, further footage of George singing on-stage was later shot at the Lyceum Theatre in London.

: "I was on my way to DJ at the Bel Air when I wrote 'Careless Whisper'. I have always written on buses, trains and in cars. It always happens on journeys.

He said in 1991 that it "was not an integral part of my emotional development...it disappoints me that you can write a lyric very flippantly—and not a particularly good lyric—and it can mean so much to so many people. That's disillusioning for a writer."

in 2009: "I'm still a bit puzzled why it's made such an impression on people... Is it because so many people have cheated on their partners? Is that why they connect with it?

"It was a few years later and I looked a lot different. Then we played a school disco with [his band] The Executive and she saw me singing and decided she fancied me.

So I went out with her for a couple of months but I didn't stop seeing Helen. I thought I was being smart – I had gone from being a total loser to being a two-timer. And I remember my sisters used to give me a hard time because they found out and they really liked the first girl. The whole idea of "Careless Whisper" was the first girl finding out about the second – which she never did. But I started another relationship with a girl called Alexis without finishing the one with Jane.

After the backing track and Michael's vocal had been recorded, Wexler had booked the top saxophone player from Los Angeles to fly in and do the solo.[25] "He arrived at eleven and should have been gone by twelve", recalled Wham! manager Simon Napier-Bell.

By 84/85 George was almost embarrassed by the earlier material. He thought he was better than that & deserved better recognition. Meeting him in person, you'd think he owned any theatre he was playing at.

"One of the most incredible moments of my life was hearing 'Careless Whisper' demoed properly, with a band, a sax and everything. It was ironic that we signed the contract with Mark [Dean] that day, the day I finally believed we had number-one material.

I didn't have a proper note on my saxophone, I had what we call a fake fingering I had to do to play it. So it didn't really sound that smooth. It didn't sound that great. And so having been around for a while, having had a bit of experience, I suggested to him, I said, 'look, if you took it down by a semitone, a very small amount, I'd have all the proper notes on my horn and we could see how it sounds. So that's what he did, he sort of did his calculations and took it down a semitone, so I went out again and I played it in a lower key and when after I finished it I went back into the control room and he played it back and he put it back up to the proper speed, and as he was playing it back, George walked into the studio, and he said 'Oh, I think we got it!' Then he pointed at me and said, 'You are number 9!'"
However, George was unhappy with the version that was originally produced by Wexler, and he decided to re-record and produce the song himself, which ended up being the version that was released.

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